V4B1 - Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations I



Prof. M. Disertori 

Monday 10(c.t)-12  Wegelerstrasse  10,   Großer Hörsaal

Thursday 10(c.t)-12 Wegelerstrasse  10,  Zeichensaal      

The first lecture will take place on Monday October 11.

Note that checking the 3G certificates may take some time so please try to come 10 minutes before the beginning of the lecture, to ensure  we can start in time. Please help us to make the check easy by bringing your digital vaccination certificate (CovPass) on your smartphone (if possible),



Assistants: Stefan Schiffer and Jonas Jansen


There will be two tutorial groups (Tutors: E. Demattè, E. Xylander)

Thursday  8(c.t)-10,  Room N 0.003 Neubau 

Friday       10(c.t)-12, Room N 0.003 Neubau


For more information on the lecture please register in eCampus. The registration should be possible after Friday October 8.

You will need your uni ID and the course password nonlinearpde1 .

If you have any questions or problems please contact Jonas Jansen or Stefan Schiffer




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