Peter Gladbach

Institut für Angewandte Mathematik
Universität Bonn
Endenicher Allee 60
53115 Bonn

Room 2.052

Phone +49 (0)228 73-62297

Email gladbach (at)


Winter Term 2019/2020

Summer Term 2020

Winter Term 2020/2021

  • Mathematische Optimierung: Theorie und Anwendungen
  • ecampus

Summer Term 2021

  • S1G1 - Seminar - Mathematik in der Gesellschaft

Winter Term 2022/2023

  • S5B3 - Seminar - New methods in PDEs: Game theory and optimal control

Summer Term 2023

  • S1G1 - Seminar - Mathematik in der Gesellschaft
  • announcement

Winter Term 2023/2024

  • V5B1 Advanced Topics in Analysis & PDEs: Isometric Immersions


Research interests

  • calculus of variations and singular limits
  • continuum mechanics
  • optimal transport



  1. Non-Newtonian thin-film equations: global existence of solutions, gradient-flow structure and guaranteed lift-off. P. Gladbach, J. Jansen and C. Lienstromberg. 2023. submitted.
  2. An anisotropic Poincaré inequality in GSBVp and the limit of strongly anisotropic Mumford-Shah functionals. J. Ginster and P. Gladbach. 2022. submitted.
  3. The Euler-Bernoulli limit of thin brittle linearized elastic beams. J. Ginster and P. Gladbach. 2021. submitted.
  4. Homogenisation of dynamical optimal transport on periodic graphs. P. Gladbach, E. Kopfer, J. Maas and L. Portinale. 2021. Calculus of Variations and Partial Differential Equations (2023).
  5. Approximation of the Willmore energy by a discrete geometry model. P. Gladbach and H. Olbermann. 2020. Advances in Calculus of Variations (2021).
  6. Energy scaling for a conically constrained sector. P. Gladbach and H. Olbermann. 2019. submitted.
  7. Homogenisation of one-dimenisonal discrete optimal transport. P. Gladbach, E. Kopfer, J. Maas and L. Portinale. 2019. Journal de Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées 139 (2020): 204-234.
  8. Limits of density-constrained optimal transport. P. Gladbach and E. Kopfer. 2019. Calculus of Variations and Partial Differential Equations 61.2 (2022): 1-31.
  9. Scaling limits of discrete optimal transport. P. Gladbach, E. Kopfer and J. Maas. SIAM Journal of Mathematical Analysis 52.3, 2020.
  10. Coarea formulae and chain rules for the Jacobian determinant in fractional Sobolev spaces. P. Gladbach and H. Olbermann. 2019. Journal of Functional Analysis 278.2, 2020.
  11. Many-Particle Limits in Molecular Solvation. J. Ginster and P. Gladbach. Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis, 2019.
  12. A line-tension model of dislocation networks on several slip planes. S. Conti and P. Gladbach. Mechanics of materials 90, 2015, 140-147.
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