Peter Gladbach
Institut für Angewandte Mathematik
Universität Bonn
Endenicher Allee 60
53115 Bonn
Room 2.052
Phone +49 (0)228 73-62297
Email gladbach (at)
Winter Term 2019/2020
- Analysis 1 (Prof. Dr. Sergio Conti)
Summer Term 2020
- Selected Topics in Analysis and PDEs: Stochastic Homogenization
- Announcement
- ecampus
- Files
Winter Term 2020/2021
- Mathematische Optimierung: Theorie und Anwendungen
- ecampus
Summer Term 2021
- S1G1 - Seminar - Mathematik in der Gesellschaft
Winter Term 2022/2023
- S5B3 - Seminar - New methods in PDEs: Game theory and optimal control
Summer Term 2023
- S1G1 - Seminar - Mathematik in der Gesellschaft
- announcement
Winter Term 2023/2024
- V5B1 Advanced Topics in Analysis & PDEs: Isometric Immersions
Research interests
- calculus of variations and singular limits
- continuum mechanics
- optimal transport
- Non-Newtonian thin-film equations: global existence of solutions, gradient-flow structure and guaranteed lift-off. P. Gladbach, J. Jansen and C. Lienstromberg. 2023. submitted.
- An anisotropic Poincaré inequality in GSBVp and the limit of strongly anisotropic Mumford-Shah functionals. J. Ginster and P. Gladbach. 2022. submitted.
- The Euler-Bernoulli limit of thin brittle linearized elastic beams. J. Ginster and P. Gladbach. 2021. submitted.
- Homogenisation of dynamical optimal transport on periodic graphs. P. Gladbach, E. Kopfer, J. Maas and L. Portinale. 2021. Calculus of Variations and Partial Differential Equations (2023).
- Approximation of the Willmore energy by a discrete geometry model. P. Gladbach and H. Olbermann. 2020. Advances in Calculus of Variations (2021).
- Energy scaling for a conically constrained sector. P. Gladbach and H. Olbermann. 2019. submitted.
- Homogenisation of one-dimenisonal discrete optimal transport. P. Gladbach, E. Kopfer, J. Maas and L. Portinale. 2019. Journal de Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées 139 (2020): 204-234.
- Limits of density-constrained optimal transport. P. Gladbach and E. Kopfer. 2019. Calculus of Variations and Partial Differential Equations 61.2 (2022): 1-31.
- Scaling limits of discrete optimal transport. P. Gladbach, E. Kopfer and J. Maas. SIAM Journal of Mathematical Analysis 52.3, 2020.
- Coarea formulae and chain rules for the Jacobian determinant in fractional Sobolev spaces. P. Gladbach and H. Olbermann. 2019. Journal of Functional Analysis 278.2, 2020.
- Many-Particle Limits in Molecular Solvation. J. Ginster and P. Gladbach. Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis, 2019.
- A line-tension model of dislocation networks on several slip planes. S. Conti and P. Gladbach. Mechanics of materials 90, 2015, 140-147.