Young Women in Mathematical Physics

Bonn, 24 - 26 September 2018

Venue: Mathematics Centre, Endenicher Allee 60, University of Bonn.

Organizers: Alessia Nota and Elena Pulvirenti

This three-day workshop is designed for young female researchers (advanced master students, Ph.D. students and postdocs) in the field of Mathematical Physics, with the main scope of providing a platform for learning, exchanging, giving talks, and networking.


It will consist of three minicourses on cutting edge research topics given by

plus talks by

  • Oriane Blondel, Institut Camille Jordan, Université Claude Bernard Lyon
  • Gioia Carinci, Department of Applied Mathematics, Delft University of Technology
  • Diana Conache, Zentrum Mathematik, Technische Universität München
  • Xian Liao, Mathematisches Institut, Universität Bonn
  • Constanza Rojas-Molina, Mathematisches Institut, Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf
  • Chiara Saffirio, Institut für Mathematik, Universität Zürich
  • Ariane Trescases, Institut de Mathématiques de Toulouse (CNRS & Univ. Paul Sabatier)


There will be a Special Lecture by Barbara Rüdiger, Fakultät für Mathematik, Bergische Universität Wuppertal.


These talks will be complemented with talks by young researchers:

  • Costanza Benassi, Northumbria University
  • Mareike Lager, Institute for Applied Mathematics, University of Bonn
  • Ilaria Maccari, Physics Department, Sapienza, University of Rome
  • Alessandra Occelli, Institute for Applied Mathematics, University of Bonn


Female participants are invited to submit an abstract for a poster and apply
for financial support.

We strongly encourage male researchers to attend the workshop.


For further informations contact: ywmp18(at)





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