Hausdorff Center for Mathematics, Valentin Blomer (spokesperson), Stefan Müller (vice spokesperson), DFG
Collaborative Research Center (SFB) 1060: The Mathematics of Emergent Effects, Stefan Müller (coordinator), Martin Rumpf (deputy coordinator), DFG
Further research projects currently funded by external organizations
- ERC Starting Grant "ConFine", Adolfo Arroyo Rabasa, 2024-2029
Projekt "Polynomielle Methoden in Extremaler Kombinatorik", Lisa Sauermann, DFG, Heisenberg-Förderung, 2023-2027
Project "OREADEE": Optimization of Resonances and Eigenvalues Associated with Dissipative Evolution Equations. Gefördert durch die Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Projektnummer: 509859995. DFG Heisenberg-Stelle Illia Karabash. 2023-
Entstehung macroskopischer Phänomene im nichtlinearen hyperbolischen supersymmetrischen Sigma-Modell, Margherita Disertori, im Rahmen des Schwerpunktprogrammes Zufällige geometrische Systeme, DFG, 2. Phase 2024-2026
Multiscale Modelling of Ultrasound Neuromodulation in the Human Brain – From Neuron to Brain, Marc-André Keip, Michael Ortiz, Prof. Metin Sitti, within SPP 2311: Robust Coupling of Continuum-biomechanical In Silico Models to Establish Active Biological System Models for Later Use in Clinical Applications – Co-design of Modelling, Numerics and Usability, DFG, 2022-
Ricci flows for non-smooth spaces, monotonic quantities, and rigidity, Karl-Theodor Sturm and Matthias Erbar (University of Bielefeld), DFG SPP2026, 2020-
Random Riemannian Geometry, Eva Kopfer and Karl-Theodor Sturm, DFG SPP2265, 2020-
Exzellenzcluster ImmunoSensation2, Prof. Dr. A. Bovier in cooperation with Universitaetsklinikum Bonn, DFG EXC, 2019-2024
Analytic and geometric properties of exclusion processes, Prof. Dr. P. Ferrari in cooperation with Princeton University, DAAD PRIME (Postdoctoral Researchers International Mobility Experience) Projektkennziffer: 57597358, 01.10.2021-31.03.2023
Metastabile Übergänge in zeitabhängigen, getriebenen ungeordneten Systemen: Von deformierbaren Strukturen in stochastischen Umgebungen zu adaptiven Pfaden in stochastischen Fitnesslandschaften, Muhittin Mungan, DFG Eigene Stelle 2018-2020