Max Mihailescu

About me

I am a PhD Student in Mathematics at the University of Bonn, working on mathematical physics together with Prof. Margherita Disertori. I started my PhD in November 2022. Before, I also completed my Master and Bachelor degrees in Bonn.

Research Interest

My background is in functional analysis and PDEs, and in my PhD work I am looking at applications in statistical physics. In particular, I study the O(n)-models on rectangular lattices in three and more dimensions, where a phase transition is known to occur for continuous spin systems. My aim is to improve understanding of said transitions, and develop novel tools to study them. Moreover, I am interested in the mathematics of machine learning from a variational point of view, which I focused on during my masters.


  1. Convergence rates for Poisson learning to a Poisson equation with measure data
    preprint (2024), arXiv:2407.06783,
    with Leon Bungert, Jeff Calder, Kodjo Houssou and Amber Yuan.


Summer Semester 2025: Graduate seminar on Percolation
Winter Semester 2023/24: Teaching assistant for Nonlinear PDEs


Office: Endenicher Allee 60, 2.053
Mail: <lastname> @

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