Publications & Preprints
Data Analysis and Mathematical Approaches to Machine Learning
- Model-free Data-Driven Inference with Sergio Conti, Michael Ortiz, arXiv
- Consensus Based Sampling with José A. Carrillo, Andrew M. Stuart, Urbain Vaes, arXiv, doi
- Spectral analysis of weighted Laplacians arising in data clustering with Bamdad Hosseini, Assad A. Oberai, Andrew M. Stuart, arXiv
- Consistency of semi-supervised learning algorithms on graphs: Probit and one-hot methods with Bamdad Hosseini, Zhi Ren, Andrew M. Stuart, arXiv
- Interacting Langevin Diffusions: Gradient Structure And Ensemble Kalman Sampler with Alfredo Garbuno-Inigo, Wuchen Li, Andrew M. Stuart, arXiv, doi (published 04 February 2020)
- Geometric structure of graph Laplacian embeddings with Nicolas Garcia Trillos, Bamdad Hosseini, arXiv
Partial Differential Equations
- Nonlinear stability of chemotactic clustering with discontinuous advection with Vincent Calvez, arXiv
- Uniqueness of stationary states for singular Keller-Segel type models with Vincent Calvez, José A. Carrillo, arXiv
- Reverse Hardy-Littlewood-Sobolev inequalities with José A.Carrillo, Matías G. Delgadino, Jean Dolbeault and Rupert L. Frank, (published December 2019) arXiv, doi
- Ground States in the Diffusion-Dominated Regime with José A.Carrillo, Edoardo Mainini and Bruno Volzone (published 15 June 2018), arXiv, doi
- The geometry of diffusing and self-attracting particles in a one-dimensional fair-competition regime with José A.Carrillo and Vincent Calvez, book chapter in Nonlocal and Nonlinear Diffusions and Interactions: New Methods and Directions, volume 2186 of Lecture Notes in Mathematics, Springer, (published 08 October 2017), arXiv, doi
- Equilibria of homogeneous functionals in the fair-competition regime with José A.Carrillo and Vincent Calvez, Nonlinear Analysis, (published August 2017), arXiv, doi
- Exponential decay to equilibrium for a fibre lay-down process on a moving conveyor belt with Emeric Bouin and Clément Mouhot, SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis (published 19 August 2017), arXiv, doi
- Non-local kinetic and macroscopic models for self-organised animal aggregations with José A.Carrillo and Raluca Eftimie, KRM (published 3 Sept 2015), arXiv, doi
Collaborations with other Departments
- Membrane-less Photoelectrochemical Cells: Product Separation by Hydrodynamic Control, with Isaac Gentle, Camilo A. Mesa and Klaus Hellgardt, Sustainable Energy & Fuels (published 18 April 2017). see also the abstract for a related conference talk by Isaac Gentle.
- Back-exchange: A novel approach to quantifying oxygen diffusion and surface exchange in ambient atmospheres with Samuel J. Cooper, Mathew Niania and John A. Kilner, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics (published 27 April 2017)
- Quantifying the surface exchange coefficient of cathode materials in ambient atmospheres with Sam J. Cooper, John A. Kilner and Mathew Niania, Proceedings of 12th European SOFC & SOE Forum (published July 2016)
Mathematics Education
- Bringing a maths camp to Ghana with Francis Torgbor, Danny Parsons, Emily Fleming, David Stern, Jeff Goodman, Abib Duut, Chris Clarke and Santiago Borio, Proceedings of Educators International Research Conference 2015, Accra, Ghana (July 29 – August 1, 2015) ADRRI Journals
- Exploring The Role of Extra Curricula Maths Camps and Clubs in Kenya and Beyond with Emily Fleming, Zachariah Mbasu, David Stern, Danny Parsons, Mildred Ayere, James Musyoka, Thomas Mawora, Chris Clarke, Santiago Borio, Michael Obiero, Proceedings of 7th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technonlogies, Barcelona, Spain (July 2015)