
How to find us

From central station

By bus

© Dr. Thomas Mauersberg - Universität Bonn

  • Leave the central station towards "Innenstadt" and head to the bus terminal 
  • take either bus number 604, 605, 606 or 607 and get off at "Kaufmannstraße", just in front of the institute (drive lasts 5 min)

By foot

  • Leave the train station towards "Quantiusstraße" and follow the map above (1.2km)

By plane

Airport Cologne-Bonn

Airport Express SB 60 takes you from the departure terminal at Cologne/Bonn Airport directly to Bonn central station and back (travel time 30-45min).

Airport Frankfurt

Take a train to Bonn main station (travel time ~1h30).

By car

Motorway A565, exit "Poppelsdorf" or "Endenich". Car parkig is behind the institute accessible through Schubertstraße.


Hotel Kurfürstenhof

Baumschulallee 20
Tel:  +49(0) 228 / 98 505-0
If you arrive after 6pm, notify the hotel!


Prof. Dr. Lisa Sauermann has been honored with the von Kaven Award 2023 for her outstanding scientific achievements. (16.11.2023)

Prof. Dr. Angkana Rüland has been awarded a New Horizons in Mathematics Prize 2024 for her contributions to applied analysis (press release). (14.09.2023)

Prof. Dr. Angkana Rüland has been awarded the Calderon Prize that is awarded every two years by the Inverse Problems International Association. (06.09.2023)

Prof. Dr. Karl-Theodor Sturm has been elected into the Academia Europaea. (28.06.2022)

Florian Schweiger erhielt den Hausdorff-Gedächtnispreis 2021 der Fachgruppe Mathematik für die beste Dissertation. Er fertigte die Dissertation unter der Betreuung von Prof. Stefan Müller an. Unter anderen wurde Vanessa Ryborz mit einem Preis der Bonner Mathematischen Gesellschaft für ihre von Prof. Sergio Conti betreute Bachelorarbeit ausgezeichnet. (18.01.2022)


Managing Director: Prof. Dr. Juan J. L. Velázquez
Chief Administrator: Dr. B. Doerffel
Imprint | Datenschutzerklärung

Mailing address

Institute for Applied Mathematics
University of Bonn
Endenicher Allee 60
D-53115 Bonn / Germany