Functional Analysis

Spectral Theory in Quantum Mechanics

Winter Term 2016/2017
Graduate Seminar on Analysis (S4B1)
Prof. Dr. J.J.L. Velázquez, Dr. A. Nota


Seminar sessions Thursdays, 4-6 pm., room N0.007


Preliminary Meeting Friday, 22.07.2016, 1.15 pm in room 2.025

Second Preliminary Meeting 29.09.2016 at 14 c.t. in room 2.025


In this seminar we will cover several mathematical issues of functional analysis that are useful for quantum mechanics as well as for many other branches of mathematical physics: from self-adjointness, the spectral theorem, Stone's and the Rage Theorem to perturbation theory for self-adjoint operators.

Moreover we will focus on the detailed study of the free Schrödinger operator respectively position, momentum and angular momentum operators; on the
theory for Sturm-Liouville operators and apply it to spherically symmetric problems, in particular to the hydrogen atom. We will illustrate some of the abstract results of spectral theory by presenting concrete examples investigating, for instance, the self-adjointness of atomic Schrödinger operators and their essential spectrum and the scattering theory in the case of short range potentials.


Basic knowledge of PDEs and Functional Analysis is essential.


The seminar sessions are on Thursdays 4-6 pm in room N0.007.


Topics will be distributed in a preliminary meeting on 22.07.16 at 13.15 c.t. in room 2.025. There will be a second preliminary meeting on 29.09.2016 at 14 c.t. in room 2.025.

Interested students are asked to conatct us by email (A. Nota or J. Velázquez) in advance.

The complete list of the topics is available here.

The schedule of the talks is available here.



Chapters extracted from

  • Teschl  G., Mathematical  Methods  in  Quantum  Mechanics,  American Mathematical Society, 2009.

and, for further readings, chapters extracted from

  • Reed M., Simon B., Methods  of  Modern  Mathematical  Physics, I: Functional Analysis, Academic Press, 1980.
  • Reed M., Simon B., Methods  of  Modern  Mathematical  Physics,  IV: Analysis of Operators, Academic Press, 1978.
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